About us Our Approach Services Industries Contacts
About TCI
Our Approach
  - Automotive and Transportation
  - Chemicals and Polymers
  - Communications and Electronics
  - Construction
  - Fabricated materials and products
  - Food and Ingredients
  - Metals and Minerals
  - Packaging
  - Pharmaceuticals and Healthcare

TCI Consulting covers the full spectrum of the construction industry. We assist companies active in internal (eg. ceramic tiles, chipboard and fiberboard, paints, caulking and sealing, etc.) and external (eg. structural steels, roofing materials, windows and facades, etc.) building materials, construction machinery and tools, as well as related sectors (eg. appliances, DIY, building controls, etc.).

We undertake detailed cost assessments and benchmarking studies for raw material and product suppliers. We assist clients to assess the viability of new and emerging technologies and new products, and evaluate their commercial potential.

Please contact us to discuss your specific needs and our relevant product, technology and industry expertise.

Case Study

A European manufacturer of work surfaces wanted to identify potential suppliers of raw materials in the former CIS countries to enable them to improve their competitiveness

TCI identified and profiled all potential suppliers in 11 countries, to understand their capabilities and cost, but it rapidly became clear that only laminates could be shipped cost effectively, due to high transport costs

Negotiations were initiated with one of the laminate producers identified, resulting in the client making cost savings of over € 250,000 annually